Well, we’ve arrived at episode #20, the grand finale goal for Goatsilk’s Daily Treasure’s project. 20 days of treasure hunting, 20 rapid-fire videos with accompanying e-bay auctions. We’ve been heartened (and surprised!) at how many of Goatsilk’s Daily Treasures have sold on e-bay.
We found this severed deer leg and challenged ourselves to make it into something glorious, desirable, auctionable….watch the video to learn about the aura it contains, and see the visual upgrade we’ve applied by gold-coating it and attaching a set of Mongolian peacock feathers. BID HERE to make this magical piece your own! Happy bidding! And be sure check back regular to see what comes next from Goatsilk.
[flv:/Silkblog/videos/daily_treasures_deer_leg_fetish.flv 640 360]
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